The Lee Cricket Club News story

The Lee Cricket Club 2016 Membership Renewals

19 Mar 2016


It is time once again to renew memberships at The Lee Cricket Club.

This season will be busier than ever, with 3 adult teams, an Under 19 Twenty:20 team, and colts teams at most age group levels, along with our usual Friday night Kwik-cricket sessions for our junior members. 

We work on a family membership basis, which covers players in the adult teams, as well as families with just children playing, or social membership if there are no players in the family. There is one single form covering all these groups - see attached.

This year we have introduced a new level of membership for those aged 16-21 (or still in full time education).

You can pay subscriptions either by cheque or by bank transfer - details are on the form. If you pay by transfer please use your surname and initial as the reference so we can reconcile your payment. 

We will be continuing to run our ever popular 200-Club this year. This raises invaluable funds for the club as well as offering you cash prizes each month. Entry is £2 per month, which you can either pay by direct debit, or you can simply tick the box on the form and add £24 to your subscription amount to cover a full year of entry. 

Please can you complete and retun the form to Julie Line (address details are on the form) as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Many thanks



Patrick Walsh

Chairman, The Lee CC

07887 736205