Friday Nights Kwik Cricket 2023

Once again The Lee CC Colts section will be holding softball Kwik-Cricket training on Friday evenings, and hardball training on Saturday mornings.

Friday Night Kwik-Cricket 2024 - Starts 3rd May

We would love to welcome you and your children along to our friendly & inclusive Friday Night sessions. All you have to do is turn up on Friday Night from 6pm and get involved. The children break off into age groups based on their school year group, for fun, guided coaching from our club volunteers. You can then enjoy a drink at our fully stocked (great value) bar while soaking in the sunshine (no promises) follow by a BBQ and tuckshop.

Feel free to try it out of a few weeks to see whether it suits you, you child or children, then you can become members, the details are below.

We have a proud history of bringing players through the club from Friday nights to the adult team. Many adult players playing for the club now started out on Friday nights and have developed a life long passion for cricket.

If you have any questions please email - or

About Kwik Cricket

Kwik-cricket is a high-speed version of the game using soft balls and is designed to encourage children to enjoy the game and develop the basic skills of the sport.

U6 and U7 - learning the basic movements and skills of cricket: catching, throwing and striking. All through fun games. 
U8 and U9 - improving the basic skills of cricket and introducing bowling technique. Start to introduce 'formal cricket and games'. 
U10 and U11 - using the skills they have learnt to practise and play more conventional cricket. Introduce and implement tactics in both batting and bowling. 

Depending on numbers we will have groups for each school year from Year 1 (‘under-6’s’) to Year 6 (‘under 11’s).

Due to space restrictions on the ground we can’t accommodate groups for older children on a Friday night, but we would encourage them to come along and assist the regular coaches with running the younger groups as they provide the children with important role models.

We are always looking out for and need more volunteers to help with coaching, especially on Friday nights. So, if you are interested, please let me know (Neil Binns -  

The coaching sessions last until 7:30pm (or 7pm for the youngest group). The bar and barbeque usually remain open till dusk. The last Friday night of the season will generally be the first Friday of the autumn term in September).

If you were a member last year, and are set up with a login on our website, then there is no need to fill out a new form – just login and pay your subscriptions via the new ‘My Payments’ section of the club website. You can also update your email and contact details on our website too. Once you have made your payments, or if you have any queries, please contact our membership secretary, York Woodford-Smith, to confirm (details are on the form).

If you are new to the club, please fill in the attached new membership form, and return it to York via email or post, and he will set you up on the system so you can pay membership fees online.

Saturday Morning Hardball Training (See Saturday Hard Ball page)

Children in school years 5 to 10 (Under 10’s to Under 15’s in cricketing terms) are invited to attend hardball training on Saturday mornings from 10am-12pm. (Children in years 5 and 6 can attend both Friday nights and Saturday morning training if they wish.)

Please talk to one of the coaching team on a Friday evening if you think your child is ready for hardball training.

 The minimum equipment they will need for their first hardball session is a box (for boys) and their own bat and junior-sized hardball. If they decide to attend regularly they will also need their own helmet, gloves and pads and a bag to carry them in.

Membership Fees

Once again, in order for us to meet the legal requirements that we as a club have to adhere to, we need to ask that parents become members for the season, whether playing or non-playing (this allows you to benefit from the delights of the bar).

The fees for this year are as follows:


Family Membership One Player (adult or junior)

Family Membership Two Players (adults or juniors)

Family Membership Three Players (adults or juniors)

Family Membership Four Players (adults or juniors)

16-21 Junior Member only

Family Social Membership (no players)








This year we will be collecting membership fees through the contactless payments facility on ‘My Payments’ section of our club website  - details will be sent to you. 


For club kit we use Chiltern Sports (The Bucks Goat Centre, Old Risborough Road, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, HP22 5XJ – Tel 01296 613399) where shirts, hoodies, training tops etc can be ordered. They are very knowledgeable, have a good selection of equipment to work with your budget and offer advice on the fit of bats etc. Don’t forget to mention you are from The Lee CC if you do visit them!

Bar and Barbeques

We all enjoy our Friday evenings, with a beer and a burger, while our children are being safely entertained, and all you have to do is to help on the BBQ or bar once or twice in the entire cricket season.

To this end, a rota will be prepared in advance of the start of the season.  Please note every family will be expected to do at least one session on the bar and the BBQ – we are a club that prides itself on everyone being involved. If subsequently, you are unable to help on your allocated week, it is your responsibility to swap with someone else and mark it on the rota in the club house. 


Due to the success of Colts cricket on Friday evenings a parking problem has arisen on the lane. Whilst the children are being coached we do insist that parents stay at the club (with the bar and BBQ who wouldn’t?). Please consider car sharing and walking to the ground to help reduce congestion. Always park with consideration for our neighbours and not on the corner of, or in the private road next to the Club.  The lane must be kept clear for emergency access.

We look forward to welcoming you all again to The Lee Cricket Club this season, but until then if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 07887 736205 or via e-mail

With kind regards

Patrick Walsh


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