
Colts cricket at The Lee Cricket Club


From very humble beginnings The Lee Cricket Club has developed a thriving and very successful Colts section. It began with Kwik cricket on Friday evenings with just under 40 children attending the first sessions. Word spread that not only were the children enjoying cricket but also there was a bar open and the Friday evenings became both a sporting occasion and also a very popular social occasion for the parents.

The numbers of children attending on Fridays grew steadily and we further developed our Colts section with the introduction of hardball cricket, with separate coaching on Saturday mornings to allow the older players to develop their skills without endangering the younger children. We first entered a team in The Bucks League in 2005 and have continued to enter teams ever since, with our reputation for developing excellent young cricketers growing year on year. In 2009 three of our junior teams reached The County Finals and we have regularly contributed players for the County and District Teams.

We encourage children to enjoy their cricket and to play the game in the right spirit, being competitive as well as fair and sporting.

Coaches give up their time voluntarily; having taken ECB coaching courses and are DBS checked as required by the ECB. As a club we have adopted the ECB "Safe Hands" policy for safeguarding children:

We always need new coaches and managers to maintain the success of our junior teams. If you would like to help and get involved please contact Neil Binns ( or Patrick Walsh (

Saturday Morning Hardball Training 2024 - Starts 4th May

Children in school years 5 to 12 (Under 10’s to Under 17’s) are invited to attend hardball training on Saturday mornings between 09.00 - 12.00, we split the age groups and allocate times during the morning.

Children in years 5 and 6 can attend both Friday nights and Saturday morning training if they wish. 
Please talk to one of the coaching team on a Friday evening if you think your child is ready for hardball training.

 The minimum equipment players will need for a hardball session is a protective box (there is an abdominal guard for girls if they would like to wear one), their own bat and hardball (for up to U13's the hardball is junior-sized). If they decide to attend regularly, whilst the club does have some kit, they may wish to buy their own helmet, gloves and pads and a bag to carry them in.

For the 2024 season we are entered into League and Cup Competitions from U9's to U17's. (Note that the Under 9 team play with softballs, not hardballs.) There will no doubt other friendlies and hopefully we'll take part in the local festivals that are great fun!

Latest results
No records to display.


The Lee CC have adopted the
ECB "Safe Hands" policy
for safeguarding children

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